In April, I made a 5×7 set of three Season Fairies to go with my 11×14 Winter Fairies painting I made one late night in December. I was anxiously awaiting the warm weather, and it’s finally come! Well, it’s been here a while, but I went swimming yesterday, so now it’s officially summer. To commemorate…
Yesterday I wrote a phrase on my whiteboard, and it sort of stuck and has been swirling around in my mind. She decided to start living the life she imagined. She believed she could, so she did. She replaced her fear of the unknown with curiosity. She looked around, and life was pretty amazing. I…
Now that I have Rebecca Black stuck in everyone’s head….I painted the Eleventh Doctor today (Alex has great ideas). I realized that watercolor isn’t exactly the best for portraits, at least not when I make them watery…but still, I’m pleased. When I get some canvases again, I’ll have to make another and see the differences.…
Recently Alex and I started watching the 2005 Doctor Who – although we started in season 5 (2010) with Matt Smith (!!!!). We….I’ve become somewhat enamored and geeking out over anything TARDIS or Doctor related. So, today, I decided to take Alex’s suggestion and paint something Who-ish. I wanted to show the TARDIS in an…
I decided to try something new today and paint standing up. I held my palette of watercolors in one hand, brush in the other and had a cup of water on the desk beside me. It worked out pretty well actually, and I think I hurt my shoulders less than I usually do, so that’s…
Earlier this year I made a list of goals – I’ve done quite a few so far and yesterday, we gave ourselves an early anniversary present, which I also happened to put on my “what I want to do this year” list. We got a cat! and named him Tonks. I had an idea…
So today, I thought it would be fun to make a watercolor of a brown haired Repunzel – Maybe it’s just because I’m brunette and it seems like the blondes get all (or most of) the rescuing by the prince. Especially if they have blue eyes. Admittedly though, my prince happens to have a thing…
For some reason it just seemed fitting to make a 5×7 acrylic painting of Felix Felicis while listening to the last half of the Half Blood Prince. I thought it would be fun to include a short essay on the potion too…or at least some of an essay. I also managed to correct and redesign…
So, I recently brainstormed and thought: how cool would it be to make small acrylic paintings based on Harry Potter spells? Might have something to do with listening to the audio books everyday, but I thought it would be fun, so I started with Lumos (as that’s the one I’ve spent the most time working…