Tag: Illustration

  • Illustration Portfolio

    Today we went to Michaels and I finally bought myself a portfolio for my illustrations! There are plenty of pages so it will actually just become my watercolor portfolio. Now my pictures have a safe place to live and I can show them off to anyone who’d like to see it in real life. I…

  • iPhone art (#14)

    Decided to paint on/with my iphone today after lunch, and tomorrow we’ll be painting pottery. I’m trying to decide on a cup or a plate and if I should make a movie reference or just play with it. But that’s besides the point – today I tried something different with the brushes app instead of…

  • Art on the West Coast #11

    Art on the West Coast #11

    We took a walk up Pilot Butte and when I got back I sketched out an idea for a painting…tomorrow.

  • Watercolor on the West Coast #9 and #10

    Yesterday, I woke up feeling sort of bad and didn’t end up doing anything, so this morning (still sickish) I made two pieces. The first, for yesterday, I just drew in my notebook, and the second is inspired by a friend. 🙂 Hopefully we’ll all get over whatever we’re coming down with quickly.

  • back cover

    back cover

    This week I made an announcement about the book I’ve been illustrating (and writing), so I’ve been trying to get the final copy formatted. After uploading the initial cover I realized I need a back cover to go with the front cover. I decided it’d be better to paint it to keep the style together,…

  • The End

    The End

    I finished all of the watercolor illustrations today, now Ella can format them and create the book. I’ve learned a lot since I started working on them – mostly in the mechanics of watercolor and using them effectively. I won’t say I’ve mastered it, but I’ve come so far from when I first started. I…

  • My workstation

    My workstation

    I usually move between the office and living room depending on the time of day that I paint. During the afternoon I’m in the office because Alex is working in the living room and there’s more room in the office. At night, I’ll move to the living room so we can watch TV or movies…

  • Oh, look!

    Oh, look!

    So I sort of made a mistake the other day. Mostly I just got carried away. I like coffee colors, my kitchen is done in coffee – reds, tans, yellows, I have a ton of Starbucks coffee on my table and pictures of cups of coffee on my wall and dish towels. So, I was…

  • Watercolor and Oils

    Watercolor and Oils

    Guess what I did yesterday? I spent most of the day making some watercolor illustrations and two hours later I made it to art class (yay!). I finished (for the most part) my Battlestar Galactica oil piece, complete with missing corners (well as close as I could get), multicolored space, and earth – “Starbuck’s Destiny?”

  • Illustration attempt #1

    Illustration attempt #1

    Last night I decided to try a mix of watercolor and ink for my illustrations. I did a test run with the paints when we got home so I could figure out how they work and what I wanted to do with them, and this morning I decided to paint the first picture and then…