Tag: goals

  • Skill Set

    Skill Set

    I’ve set out to do several things this year. I’ve listed twenty-one of them, but I have a few things that aren’t specifically on my list. Much of that includes things I’m trying to learn and skills I’d like to develop. I feel that I am uniquely qualified for some things because of how my life…

  • The Difference Between Blogging and Writing Articles

    The Difference Between Blogging and Writing Articles

    I write well, just not here. The difference between my blogging and article writing is simple: Here, is the home for my seemingly endless trains of thought to be broadcast into the great void I like to call the internet. Half, to get them to stop constantly swirling through my head contributing to insomnia, and…

  • Experiment


    Next week I’m going to do an experiment. I’m going to post specific content (which I’ve already partially decided on) and I’m going to monitor how much time I spend updating my blog and the social-ness related to it. Not because I think it’s bad or that I’m going to stop, but because I think…

  • Time


    I feel guilty because right now I’m not trading my time for money. Which on bad days makes me feel like I’m just a leech, and on really good days makes me feel incredibly free and useful. I’m using my time to be productive, learn, and establish myself. Which are all good things, and smart…

  • And, it's the last day

    And, it's the last day

    Last day of the cleanse. If you followed on tumblr (or have just been following along), you know I didn’t stick with it to the letter. Especially after realizing how corporate it was and not being able to bring myself to eat beef on the first beef day. I didn’t lose ALL the pounds, but I…

  • I'm human

    I'm human

    Dinner Day 3: Mcdonalds’ side salad with italian dressing and a bite of a home-made whoopie pie (and one sip of Dr Pepper). Totally not on the plan, but this girl made it and it was good, and the salad was the best I could do under the circumstances. I’m also drinking lightly sweetened tea…

  • Doing a Thing

    Doing a Thing

    I’m doing a cleanse thing this week. Today, I’m eating fruits, drinking a ton of water and having green tea with honey (because my throat is sad, cat allergies :P). I like it because I have a fridge-ful of fruit. I plan on doing some core exercises all week too – nothing intense.

  • hm


    Switched bags for tonight and my trip tomorrow. I plan on filming a segment, if not an entire special episode for next week while I’m off adventuring. Both at the Avenger’s midnight premier and in Boston before/after The Nerdist Podcast. I need to sleep more, but I just got my hair all perfect for going…

  • I'm doing things!

    I'm doing things!

    finally. It’s happy and scary. I’m going to a game on Thursday, followed by the midnight premier of Avengers, and then going to see The Nerdist Podcast Live in Boston on Friday. I think this means I can cross off “do something I’m afraid to do” from my list – Meltdowns whilst buying tickets and…

  • {new} Wardrobe

    {new} Wardrobe

    With pictures! I’ve almost completely re-done my wardrobe into things that I actually *like* to wear and feel good in. *pride*