Tag: fear

  • I have something to say

    I have something to say

    I have a story to tell, a story that’s been hanging over my head for months and I haven’t said anything out of fear and now I just need to release it so I can feel better. This summer, I was cornered by people I trust – put into a situation against my will that…

  • Failure and Creatives (me)

    Failure and Creatives (me)

    I follow awesome people on twitter – and Erika brought up something that I had thought about at PAX (and then forgot because I was confused by my sudden lack of 4 molars), the subsequent short conversation with Kiri (who, btw, is awesome incarnate – not just because we pronounce our names the same way)…

  • PAX Thoughts

    PAX Thoughts

    Creatives I left for PAX drenched in a crazy amount of social anxiety. My kickstarter was funded as I was on my way to the airport which was phenomenal and completely unexpected. It all suddenly became very real (but simultaneously completely surreal). Sometimes I think the scariest thing is actually succeeding. Like in Neil Gaiman’s…

  • Altogether too personal (TMI warning)

    Altogether too personal (TMI warning)

    I’ve been dealing with very bad hormonal imbalance since March of last year. It goes up and down depending on how much ability I have to ignore it and how long I can go before taking handfuls of supplements every day starts to wear on me.

  • Success can be scary

    Success can be scary

    I didn’t know that making progress could be a scary thing. I’m ridiculously proud of how my artistry is developing and I’m at the point where I look at the things I’ve recently done and feel proud, and feel like I captured what I intended to capture. It’s wonderful, and yet, almost paralyzingly scary –…

  • I'm doing things!

    I'm doing things!

    finally. It’s happy and scary. I’m going to a game on Thursday, followed by the midnight premier of Avengers, and then going to see The Nerdist Podcast Live in Boston on Friday. I think this means I can cross off “do something I’m afraid to do” from my list – Meltdowns whilst buying tickets and…