Tag: creating

  • In Which I Remind Myself I'm Important And Don't Owe Anyone Shit

    I’m not going to lie, I’ve been running myself ragged lately. Sometimes it’s like, I don’t know how to not, you know? I don’t know what a healthy balance is, and when the bulk of my work is creative it blurs the lines between shit I do for me and shit I do for other…

  • Reminders


    I’ve posted this before several times, but sometimes I’m at this point where I just need to listen to it again… I’m at a point in my creative cycle where I feel like all of my goals are unattainable, that I’ll never be where I want to be. I feel like everyone is just better…

  • Best Laid Plans

    Best Laid Plans

    Are in my notes app. Mini meltdowns and overload of thoughts generally = focus and plans in the aftermath. I guess I’ve honed the skill of turning breakdowns into something useful over the years. The overwhelmingly trapped feeling gives way to “fuck it, I’m going to do some stuff, and I’m going to write it…

  • Success can be scary

    Success can be scary

    I didn’t know that making progress could be a scary thing. I’m ridiculously proud of how my artistry is developing and I’m at the point where I look at the things I’ve recently done and feel proud, and feel like I captured what I intended to capture. It’s wonderful, and yet, almost paralyzingly scary –…

  • Inspiration to Start

    Inspiration to Start

    Some people say that the best thing to do when you want to learn – is copy someone you like or inspires you. This will help you start doing things, and start learning, while simultaneously discovering your voice. My interests are wide, varied, and occasionally unrelated. I struggle most with deciding what to focus on…

  • Everyone Is An Artist

    Everyone Is An Artist

    (or what I learned from The Everyday Work of Art) I started thinking about this a while ago after reading The Everyday Work Of Art  and it kinda stuck out. I’ve heard a lot of people say “I’m just not artistic”, and I spent years telling myself the same thing. “I can’t draw”, “I’m not…