I thought I was tired yesterday. I’m beginning to think that I need the sun to like, live and stuff. I can’t seem to muster up the energy to do much of anything. I did play World of Warcraft until the lag or connection or something overtook it and I was wandering around Azshara waiting…
For the last few days we’ve mostly been playing with our camera – and trying to not get sick. The second part hasn’t really worked out so well which is partly why I haven’t posted much. The other reason is because I spent all day on Monday cleaning and organizing the office and then making…
This week I made an announcement about the book I’ve been illustrating (and writing), so I’ve been trying to get the final copy formatted. After uploading the initial cover I realized I need a back cover to go with the front cover. I decided it’d be better to paint it to keep the style together,…
Tuesday was the last Oil Painting class (that I missed, stupid soup) so yesterday, I decided to move my materials out of the bag they were in and into my office. Somewhere between transport I actually looked at my office, and the closet doors ajar from cardboard boxes, the cluttered floor, and stuff everywhere, and…
After moving the night-stand that we had by our couch into the bedroom to lift the tv a few weeks ago, I decided to make another little stand out of my arsenal of cardboard boxes so I could put my pretty lamp on it. I used a long rectangular box (the shipping box from a…