I’m going to be doing a series of posts about depression (my depression). I could do one long post but it’d be a small book… I’ve struggled with depression since puberty. That’s about as far back as I remember anyway. At the time, I had no words for what I was feeling/going through, my parents…
I was talking to a friend a while ago, and we were comparing notes on our experiences with TeenPact. It feels like such a taboo subject to talk about, I’m actually almost scared to, which honestly, is why I am – because if this one thing from my past has this much hold on me…
Going dark (as you can tell with the theme) for net neutrality. If you haven’t been following SOPA/PIPA and don’t know what it is (or why it’s bad) and have been seeing stuff about it everywhere – the vote is on the 24th, and this video helps explain everything. I’ve changed all of my twitter…
I’m not a parent, but as an early-graduate home-school alumnus, and one who did a lot of teaching to my younger siblings, I think that I can be afforded some room for an opinion. I was thinking the other day about graduating and how it felt then versus how it feels now. Honestly, I was…