Tag: art

  • Protectorate Painting

    Protectorate Painting

    I Got some shiny gold paint and colored all the plated sections which really seems to add *a lot* of epic-ness to my little army that was missing before. Not sure how well that comes across because of my very red side table, but it at least puts my army back on par with Alex’s…

  • New Painting

    New Painting

    I finally updated my shop! I painted for a few hours the other day because I just absolutely needed to – and I painted the word I keep telling myself, a truth I have to remind myself of over and over. [I am and you are] Beautiful. Maybe it’s a little cliche, but sometimes I…

  • Listy-list


    To help myself stay focused I occasionally make myself a “Things I want to do this week” list. This aids the I-already-filmed-now-what-do-I-do crisis of focus that has become a weekly phenomenon. I use the phrase “want to do”, because saying things I “need to do” usually ends up leading me into a week of depression for not doing…

  • Success can be scary

    Success can be scary

    I didn’t know that making progress could be a scary thing. I’m ridiculously proud of how my artistry is developing and I’m at the point where I look at the things I’ve recently done and feel proud, and feel like I captured what I intended to capture. It’s wonderful, and yet, almost paralyzingly scary –…

  • Inspiration to Start

    Inspiration to Start

    Some people say that the best thing to do when you want to learn – is copy someone you like or inspires you. This will help you start doing things, and start learning, while simultaneously discovering your voice. My interests are wide, varied, and occasionally unrelated. I struggle most with deciding what to focus on…

  • Entertainment


    Every so often art, technology, and entertainment are made to be some kind of new evil. Articles, emails, and teachings are produced – mocking and and devaluing the art and the industry that is a large part of our world. Many good things have fallen victim to this, and many people (myself included) have spent…

  • Sensing (more)

    Sensing (more)

    Been busy in my head lately, and it’s been wonderful. Sadly, neglectful of my little corner here, which (also sadly) is one of many corners of the web I assign my name and soul-print to. When I took on my book and dropped a lot of other things, this got dropped, and that’s sad. But…

  • Art Journaling

    Art Journaling

    I’ve wanted to be an art journaler for a long time, but every time I started I’d stop. I think it was because subconsciously I never really felt good enough. I loved other people’s art journals – in books, with loads of paint, or collages. But I’ve never really been able to do that (I…

  • Cyber Week!

    Cyber Week!

    This week is cyber week! like cyber Monday except all week. So I decided to do something for it this year. I’ve launched four new paintings, relished some of the favorites, and….get this, free shipping! All of the new paintings are only $50 and if you follow @kwhimsy on twitter, or like the page –…

  • Where I've been – art and life

    Where I've been – art and life

    I didn’t mean to be gone all week without posting, but sometimes life decides to take over and give you…a life, and blogging gets moved because of this weird thing called sleep and exhaustion. – Monday and Tuesday I tried to just take it easy, I didn’t do the whole wake-up-and-exercise-thing because I wasn’t sure…