Category: TeenPact

  • TeenPact and Relationships

    TeenPact and Relationships

    Everyone is told, no crushes are allowed to happen at TeenPact (because you can “allow” a crush to begin with). Boys are told, to open doors for women, to let them go first in line, and to treat them like they’re delicate little flowers. Essentially, boys are taught to treat women like objects who are…

  • TeenPact and Women

    TeenPact and Women

    To my knowledge, there have only been two female governors in Maine, and none (to my knowledge) in GA. Maine is seen by the staff as the more liberal/wildcard state where things happen there that don’t (or aren’t allowed?) happen in other states. Maine and Hawaii I suppose, because there’s surfing there and every staffer…

  • TeenPact and Me

    TeenPact and Me

    TeenPact is a christian conservative/evangelical organization that organizes government and civics classes and camps throughout the country. Their goal is to raise a generation of christian leaders (teens) to go and bring the country back “for christ” by encouraging activism and male leadership. When I think about TeenPact and my time there, I don’t feel…

  • Blog Week FAQ

    Blog Week FAQ

    1) Where/How can I join in the blog-week? You can submit a guest post (anonymously, or not) to either Starfury or myself (via contact forms) and we’ll post it during the week. You can also write a post on your own blog, and add your post to the link-up widget we’ll be integrating on Between…