Tag: insecurities

  • Finally Found The Words: Depression

    Finally Found The Words: Depression

    Sometimes I don’t want to talk about depression because I don’t want it to depress other people or cause them to worry about me. But sometimes the only thing that really helps is to talk about it… So, TW: depression, I guess.

  • Starting Out Of Order

    Starting Out Of Order

    Sometimes I feel strange because all of the major life events happened to me before the normal life stuff. I graduated at 15, which I thought was cool at the time. I find myself now, questioning whether or not I was actually ready then. A lot of the outside-of-school skills most people learn in high…

  • Untitled post 3043

    If I got paid every time I was insecure and second guessed myself I’d be on par with Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, there’s no actual benefit to that; if only my logic could convince myself to stop….