Tag: gender

  • Post Op Photo & Feels Dump

    Post Op Photo & Feels Dump

    I’ve been posting pics of the healing process on instagram and pixelfed. The process has been up and down, but mostly up. Surgery went great, I seem to be healing well. One nipple graft is perfect the other is still in its early healing stage. I’m really really really tired of wearing a binder basically…

  • misc


    My kitchen cabinets that store dishes and food are organized and nice now. We came back home from the park and I was like, wow, it’s so clean. It’s a nice feeling. We’ll see if I can’t stay on top of it. Eventually I should reach the top of the fridge, but that involves a…

  • trigger(ed by SCOTUS and Hobby Lobby): a semi-tipsy sad muse time

    trigger(ed by SCOTUS and Hobby Lobby): a semi-tipsy sad muse time

    I feel like I just got punched in the stomach. Today is really triggering a lot of not-good feelings. I hate how having a body… this female-assigned body tends to affect my life and future.   I hate being reminded about how my body dictates or rather I hate how my body is dictated by…

  • Coming Out

    Coming Out

    I’ve never talked about this explicitly publicly – I’m open about it to people who ask, and I don’t hide it, but I’ve never really felt the need to come out and say it (because honestly, it’s no one’s business). The reason I’m coming out with it now, is because I embrace it – I’m…