Tag: focus

  • This is Your Brain; This is Your Brain on ADHD Meds.

    This is Your Brain; This is Your Brain on ADHD Meds.

    After 2 years of fighting to get tested and treated for the sheer inability to focus when I need to on the things I need to, I finally found a psychiatrist who listened to me and prescribed me the babiest dose of Strattera. I’ve been documenting it, as I do: This is day 2, and…

  • Well, you know, plans…

    Well, you know, plans…

    I had a list, right? I know it’s only been a week, but for some reason it seems to be a list of I’m-going-to-do-the-ones-that-involve-mail-but-maybe-not-anything-else instead. Which is great, actually, because I’ve accomplished several other big things since writing that list. Launched the Freeport Creative Arts website! (check it out, it’s epic) Delivered book to Library…

  • Listy-list


    To help myself stay focused I occasionally make myself a “Things I want to do this week” list. This aids the I-already-filmed-now-what-do-I-do crisis of focus that has become a weekly phenomenon. I use the phrase “want to do”, because saying things I “need to do” usually ends up leading me into a week of depression for not doing…

  • Map Making

    Map Making

    I charted out my empire the other night. I think it’ll help me stay focused and remember the big picture – I can add to it as needed which is a nice aspect. I have bits of ideas and goals and big picture stuff strewn across various notes and entries in my journal, but having…

  • Living with my personality type

    Living with my personality type

    A few months back I actually tried to figure out what my personality type was. It’s been helpful in understanding why I do what I do when I’m not really sure myself. I feel weird in the sense that I can kind of compartmentalize myself and look at myself from the “outside” for a while…