Tag: choices

  • Survivor's Guilt

    Survivor's Guilt

    Maybe it’s because I’m on that high from just finishing a comic after not drawing in way too long because set backs and busy-ness and certain-life-things just completely zapping any creative drive out of me, or because I’ve been rocking out to music in my headphones (which I’m sure looks entertaining), but, I’m really happy…

  • The Crossroads

    The Crossroads

    you’re at a crossroads between everything you are and everything you could be you know what you want and what you’re capable of but what you’re doing on that road is falling short you’re making progress but not enough you’re running through your arsenal of tools but change is slow and painstaking What you want…

  • Women are less

    Women are less

    Growing up in a religious conservative circle taught me this ever so explicitly. They would try to water it down and say “no you’re equal, but different” the place of women is in the home, in the kitchen, pregnant or raising children. Not in the “world”, not working, not doing anything that would in any…