Tag: canon t3i

  • Cloak and Lenses

    Cloak and Lenses

    We got a new lens the other day, and decided to take some test footage outside with Alex’s sisters and me in my cloak. So here’s a really cool shot that has the cloak and the outdoors. If you look closely you can see a little bit of the purple trim around the hood.  …

  • Flight Control

    Flight Control

    Last month, Alex and I were outside and looked into the sky and saw a jet stream in a funky wave. And we were like, oh, that’s weird, and thought it looked like something you’d see in the game Flight Control on the iPad (love that game). 4 weeks, and a lot of editing later…

  • The Gallery of Whimsy

    The Gallery of Whimsy

    After a few weeks of fighting with my shop (something about the update ate my visual editor) I decided to just start completely over  and re launch my gallery of whimsy in a more fun place! I spent all night re-uploading the pictures (most of them, the pictures I recently re-shot with our canon T3i)…

  • Film and Stuff

    Film and Stuff

    For the last few days we’ve mostly been playing with our camera – and trying to not get sick. The second part hasn’t really worked out so well which is partly why I haven’t posted much. The other reason is because I spent all day on Monday cleaning and organizing the office and then making…