Tag: bridging the gap

  • Reminders


    I’ve posted this before several times, but sometimes I’m at this point where I just need to listen to it again… I’m at a point in my creative cycle where I feel like all of my goals are unattainable, that I’ll never be where I want to be. I feel like everyone is just better…

  • The Crossroads

    The Crossroads

    you’re at a crossroads between everything you are and everything you could be you know what you want and what you’re capable of but what you’re doing on that road is falling short you’re making progress but not enough you’re running through your arsenal of tools but change is slow and painstaking What you want…

  • Success can be scary

    Success can be scary

    I didn’t know that making progress could be a scary thing. I’m ridiculously proud of how my artistry is developing and I’m at the point where I look at the things I’ve recently done and feel proud, and feel like I captured what I intended to capture. It’s wonderful, and yet, almost paralyzingly scary –…