Tag: Battlestar Galactica

  • Thing-A-Week #5

    Thing-A-Week #5

    Starbucks Poem watercolor. I was actually at home this Monday and had access to my portfolio and was flipping through it to figure out which painting I’d like to feature this week and found my Eye of Jupiter/Starbuck’s poem watercolor that I made a while ago. I put a lot of effort into making the…

  • Eye of Jupiter and Starbuck's Poem

    Eye of Jupiter and Starbuck's Poem

    Today while listening to Harry Potter I decided to paint some more Battlestar Galactica stuff – Starbuck had been painting this one particular thing for years by the time we actually see it in the series. The Eye of Jupiter is painted alongside a poem she wrote on her wall. I remembered it recently, and…

  • Six and a Raider

    Six and a Raider

    Today is grey. Painting Six and a Raider from BSG in a grey ship just seemed appropriate. I’m now down to my last canvas and in dire need of better detail brushes. I spent a long time trying to get the cold metallic-y feel and lighting down and contrasting with Six’s cold-yet-hott-(and kinda confusing) demeanor.…

  • Watercolor and Oils

    Watercolor and Oils

    Guess what I did yesterday? I spent most of the day making some watercolor illustrations and two hours later I made it to art class (yay!). I finished (for the most part) my Battlestar Galactica oil piece, complete with missing corners (well as close as I could get), multicolored space, and earth – “Starbuck’s Destiny?”

  • New Painting: Preview

    New Painting: Preview

    My husband and I have been working through Battlestar Galactica, we’re currently on Season 4 and we love it. Last week we realized that instead of working on one oil painting in art class, we’ll probably end up working on two, so I was trying to figure out what to use my second canvass on,…