Category: Writing

  • Giving Too Much

    Giving Too Much

    Ever since my family became devout, they became regular tithers and givers. Before I go further, I should point out there is nothing wrong with giving as long as that giving isn’t negatively affecting your life (or that of your kids/family). Which, I realized somewhat recently is the case with my own family. They started out…

  • My Elaborate Plan

    My Elaborate Plan

    Five years ago, on my birthday, I left home. Obviously, there’s a lot of backstory to this, and, I guess, this is that story.I didn’t say goodbye – I couldn’t say goodbye. I was terrified that if I did, if I told them I was leaving, that they would shut me in my room, and…

  • I don't know what to call this

    I don't know what to call this

    I was going through the files on my laptop looking for something specific and I ran across a picture that I saved from 2007. I won’t post it here, because it makes my stomach turn, but content note: graphic descriptions of infections and medical neglect. My parents stopped taking us to doctors before I was…

  • #LiesMyParentsToldMe


    I’m doing a series of comics – I started on Monday and have posted every day so far except Tuesday – called Lies My Parents Told Me. It’s been enlightening and cathartic – in the spirit of Valentines Day, today’s comic is on purity and virginity and the damage that goes with those ideas.Funny how…

  • In which my genitals mean I don't learn math or science

    In which my genitals mean I don't learn math or science

    Alright, you have my attention. Anyone who can wield a soldering iron like that is worth some attention. […] — youtube commenter (comment since removed by author – creepy part, also removed…by me) I was denied physics because I was born female. I had been taught all my life leading up to that point that…

  • Child Marriage: I dodged the bullet

    Child Marriage: I dodged the bullet

    I don’t know that I’ve written much about the process of the relationship Alex and I had before we got married. I started this blog after the fact and before I had even begun to process the hellmouth that was my childhood.With three creepy-as-fuck-patriarchs coming out in favor of child marriage – something they’d always…

  • Aging Backwards

    Aging Backwards

    When I was 8, I was expected to be an adult. I had adult responsibilities (taking care of kids) and was expected to act as mature as an adult – learn all the things, do all the things, cook all the food, wash all the babies – I had to fight for some semblance of…

  • Out of the (agnostic) closet (and into the fire?)

    Out of the (agnostic) closet (and into the fire?)

    This has been coming to a head and swirling around for some time and I just need to let it out now:I. Don’t. Believe. In. God. Any. More. For so many reasons.One, I became a christian entirely out of fear. I was terrified of going to hell. I can’t mesh staying in a religion that…

  • Living outside the binary

    Living outside the binary

    In August I wrote a post for Caleigh’s I Have a Voice project about gender – gender identity, gender expression, specifically mine. It’s been interesting since then – nice to have finally gotten it out there, because it had been welling up inside – I think I’ve come to understand myself a bit more and I occasionally write…

  • On Femininity

    On Femininity

    Good Homeschooled Girls are supposed to be perfect. They’re supposed to be Pollyanna, Elsie Dinsmore, and Jane Bennet.  They’re supposed to be completely innocent, unnoticed, modest, graceful, but still look beautiful and unblemished (while not thinking too hard about it). Good Homeschooled Girls are impossible. All of us are wearing masks, we’re all acting feminine, we’re…