Category: Mental Health

  • This Is Not Normal

    This Is Not Normal

    I’m beginning to get anxious now that more than a month has passed since the fall of our republic election and things have started to quiet down. We’re normalizing. We desperately want to return to normal, to stability, not to whatever the fuck this reality is. Collectively we do not do well with unrest, we…

  • Expecto Patronum

    Expecto Patronum

    I was talking to my therapist last night about the election and activism and something she poked at really struck me. It is important for activism to come from a place that isn’t fear. Fear and panic spreads like wildfire and runs everyone down. The longevity of the fight depends on us being able to…

  • Existing Is Resistance

    Existing Is Resistance

    So, we elected a facist. I, like every other marginalized in-any-remote-way person have spent the last week utterly terrified. It’s an anxiety attack that won’t go away. I’m suddenly very aware of the intersection of my transness, queerness, afabness, and olive skin. I am public about all of those, I’m public about being queer and…

  • Things I learned in therapy

    Things I learned in therapy

    My therapist guesses that starting T will help with my hormone induced dysphoria too (just need insurance again). We opened up the jar of trauma that is my relationship with my body when I’m bleeding and realized I’ve never healed from that. Surprising no one, I know. But I realized that the terror that I…

  • burnt out on week 4

    burnt out on week 4

    “It is important for me to take care of my mental, emotional and physical health at work” This was the takeaway from therapy last week. I don’t know that I’ve done particularly well with it so far. I learned one of my coworkers supports Trump and I would be lying if I said that didn’t…

  • Depression and Therapy and Burning Man (maybe)

    Depression and Therapy and Burning Man (maybe)

    It’s been a long month of more new scary things. Started a job being a glorified receptionist with the bonus skill set of being able to translate people’s computer problems into useful information for the IT people (and no, I don’t get paid more for that skill). Had housing fall through on me twice, the…

  • Rising From The Ashes

    Rising From The Ashes

    My life lately has been incredibly roller-coaster like, not necessarily in the fun way, but always in the make-you-stronger-or-die way. I guess that’s also not so much lately as a recurring theme, but that’s besides the point. While I was waiting for divorce paperwork to go through (still am. SOON), going through an additional breakup,…

  • Random update 2k16

    Random update 2k16

    This is going to be all disjointed and rambly. I’m feelsy and tired. Things are good and scary and new. I can take ABE courses again this fall, which is helping my brain in a lot of ways. I feel like I sort of have some semblance of a direction now, instead of a confused…

  • A Reinvention of Myself

    A Reinvention of Myself

    This space over the last 7 years has documented my journey from newly married, just-out quiverfull daughter, to outspokenly queer, artistic, techy, advocate for making homeschooling better for homeschooled students. This blog is where I came out as agnostic, bi, & nonbinary; this is where I posted the process of learning who I am and…

  • An Open Letter to Hillary from Quivering Daughters

    An Open Letter to Hillary from Quivering Daughters

    Dear Hillary, I don’t even know where to begin. You’ve grown and lived and thrived and your life journey is a beautiful work of art, it almost feels wrong to bring up Quivering Daughters even just to say thank you. But I’m not speaking just for me, when I say, sincerely, thank you for writing…