As you may or may not know, my health has utterly tanked since finals last semester. I was hoping that the summer would provide some answers but instead it resulted in surprise trips to the ER, more questions and specialists, and to be honest, none of that is letting up. I’ve been candid about the…
On 8/23 we appointed our ASLC Secretary, Alycia, and on 8/30 Zach was appointed Club Affairs officer. At both meetings we discussed ideas for fall events, which will be followed by an internal brainstorming session. The Wayfinder and Latinx clubs were chartered and re-chartered in time for club rush on September 5th. We are currently…
Today we held a special meeting off campus at 2044 Franklin street (my default-world office). We appointed Armani Taylor to the position of Vice President, settled among ourselves which of us will be tabling during welcome back week next week and when, and designed a welcome back week survey that will guide our priorities for…
Today we decided on the swag we’re going to acquire for welcome week, allocated a food budget, and met with potential new ASLC Members! On Tuesday (the 13th) we will all have a district wide training, and next Thursday (15th) at 12pm is the regular ASLC meeting.
Today we voted on allocating funds for Welcome Week, sponsoring students to go to the Congressional Black Caucus in September, contributing to the Peralta District training in two weeks, and approving Queer Brunch for the 2019-2020 school year! On Monday, August 5th, we will be meeting to discuss what materials to get for Welcome Week,…