Monthly Archives: April 2021

3 posts

CDP Power Distribution

Today is the first day of the annual CA Democratic Party Convention, hosted online for the first time ever. Prior to this convention, I’ve only ever been to the vendor hall as a booth volunteer so I don’t really know what to expect. Last week, we got the results of […]

CDP Officer Elections

The election for CDP Officers has started already. My partner and I are both voting members so our mailbox is crammed full of election materials every day. I don’t mind, some pieces are Art and having worked on mailers, I know how much effort goes into it. My favorites so […]

Election Results, Feelings, and the Future

I am a firm believer in being the change I wish to see in the world. I don’t wait for other people to take up the mantle I’m passionate about if it’s one I can carry. I’ve had some time to think, some helpful trainings from the Progressive Delegates Network, and a little bit of time to adjust. I know what I can do, right now, without having to wait for the Party Officers election and the upcoming convention; and that is to share the information that I’ve learned (and am learning) and my experiences as a first-time Assembly District Delegate (ADD) with all of you.