Category: Christianity

  • Two Decades

    Two Decades

    Tomorrow I’ll turn 20, which is honestly pretty exciting – in some unexpected ways. It feels kind of weird to tell people I’m 19, married, and no, I didn’t *just* graduate high school. It’s totally cool, but there’s always that awkward moment when people are like “oh!”.  I remember when I was turning 10, I…

  • The Burden of Homeschool Parents

    The Burden of Homeschool Parents

    I’m not a parent, but as an early-graduate home-school alumnus, and one who did a lot of teaching to my younger siblings, I think that I can be afforded some room for an opinion. I was thinking the other day about graduating and how it felt then versus how it feels now. Honestly, I was…

  • Burn them all

    Burn them all

    I usually make a point of not posting things like this…because I spent the bulk of my blogging career dedicated to political and social commentary. I spent all of high-school studying Constitutional Law, American History, and politics. In short, I burned out, realized my own life took up enough energy to deal with and faded…

  • Unsolicited {Relationship} Advice

    Unsolicited {Relationship} Advice

    Seems like a lot of people I know are entering into relationships lately, which is an amazing journey full of twists and turns and adventures. I don’t pretend to know *everything* (or much at all for that matter) about relationships (though, I have an *amazing* marriage), but I have learned a lot and I thought,…

  • If you can't beat 'em

    If you can't beat 'em

    I was thinking about what I might have said to that if I were 15 again. I probably would have said something like “if you can’t beat ’em, you can’t beat ’em”. Actually I said a lot of things when I was 13, 14, 15, even 16. Things that I don’t necessarily agree with or…

  • Christianity, Simplified :: Where I am

    Christianity, Simplified :: Where I am

    I grew up in a Christian home, surrounded by Christian people, claiming Christianity is the way and that their interpretation of Christianity is the right way. It’s easy for a simple religion, or what Christian’s like to call a “relationship” to get complicated with interpretations of scripture, doctrines, and even bible translations. Before you know…

  • Hopechest tips

    Hopechest tips

    It’s sort of a cultural thing with homeschool girls to start preparing for marriage by building a hopechest. As old fashioned as it sounds it’s actually incredibly useful to have after you’re married. Quite a few friends of mine have been working on theirs for years, I didn’t start mine until I was in a…