A twist

So today, I thought it would be fun to make a watercolor of a brown haired Repunzel – Maybe it’s just because I’m brunette and it seems like the blondes get all (or most of) the rescuing by the prince. Especially if they have blue eyes. 

Admittedly though, my prince happens to have a thing for brunettes (with brown eyes)….I like dark haired guys, so it all works out.
Yes that was a Tangled reference. Also, I really like that in the end (SPOILER ALERT) her hair was brown – a perfect twist to end a tangled up fairy tale. It used to really bother me that the blue-eyed blondes got all the songs and specialness because I’m dark haired, dark eyed, and when exposed to lots of sun, my middle eastern and portuguese heritage shines through and I get really dark tans – and I wanted to have songs about me, and I wanted to be special….and I am – there’s even a song about brown eyed girls after all.


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